
The Shoebox Universe 2

  .s$$$$$$$$$$s.   s.       $$$$$  
  $$$$$$s.  `²$$   $$$s.    $$$$$   calling your mind, using your brain 
   `²$$$$$$s.  `   $$$$$    $$$$$   you need new stuff, it drives you insane
  s.  `²$$$$$$s.   $$$$$    $$$$$   where could you call, a place that rocks
  $$s.  `²$$$$$$.  $$$$$    $$$$$   your blood is freezing, your heart stocks
  $$$$$.  `$$$$$$  $$$$$.  .$$$$$   you remember a name, like auto-reverse
  `²$$$$$$$$$$$$'  `$$$$$$$$$$$$$   a place in your dreams, $hoebox-Univer$e
     `²$$$$$$$²'    `²$$$$$$$$$$$   

                $hoebox-Univer$e - 5 nodes - 4,5 GB online
           .node.1. .+43-1-xxxxxxx. .usr.courier.33k6. .vALL.
           .node.2. .+43-1-xxxxxxx. .creatix.2. .28k8. .vALL.
           .node.3. .+43-1-JULY'96. .usr.courier.33k6. .vALL.
           .node.4. .+43-1-JULY'96. .isdn.      .64k0. .isdn.
           .node.5. .+43-1-JULY'96. .isdn.      .64k0. .isdn.
      art - music - poetry - coding - tools - demos - diskmags - infos
    Austrias well known bulletin board system operated by Eliot & ReeBoK
                   - art & poem (c) 1996 by ReeBoK -