
Anyone wanna pick up development of Komposter? Just posted ~70 feature requests + bug reports to their github

category: code [glöplog]
Say guys, this is some neat-o modular 4k music making device thing something I don't know. Recede's music was done with it, if you remember that one. ( Recede on Pouet.net).

While I was working on the tune, I also posted tons and tons of feature improvement requests and some bug reports and stuffs. For about 2-3 years they were stuck in a limbo between a Shared Reminders between me and Firehawk, but then I was cleaning up my Github followings/stars and realized Komposter was actually on github.

So, here's all them fun things.


I can try and flesh out the descriptions via comments per issue, if that helps. Let me know if you're interested in doing pull requests and stuffs?
added on the 2017-05-25 22:20:42 by distance distance
couldn't believe that stuffs was plural of stuff but it is.
added on the 2017-05-26 06:18:02 by 1in10 1in10
couldn't believe that stuffs was plural of stuff but it is.

surprise surprise :)
added on the 2017-05-26 08:20:06 by distance distance
