
Dimension by Gods [web]

             |                                                   |
             |       DIMENSION bring to you by gOds Family       |
             |                                                   |
             |                    in April'98                    |
             |                                                   |

code:             Odin - Igor KRAVTCHENKO
music and 3d art: Liszt - Cyril KRAVTCHENKO
3d art:           XbaRr - Emmanuel JULIEN
add gfx:          Slaine - Yann MARFISI
layout:           Liszt & Odin

. Some words about the demo

This production is the result of 5 months of hard working.
After the EVOLUTION demo in October'97, we had tried to obtain better
result in world motion. This demo totalise a sum of 12000 faces dispatched
into 8mn40s and all scene have been realised under Lightwave 3D.
The gOds 3D engine developped by Odin used in this demo manage 3d polygonal
surface with perspective correction, transparent, masking, bump, zbuffer and
environment mapping. Dynamic scene and dynamic object are available with
spline control. All render's routines have been writted fully in assembler
with Pentium optimisation, working in truecolor mode (65536 colors) and
accept multiple texture size.
With the help of Glide, this demo have a 3DFX support.
2 modules have been composed under Fast Tracker and Rebirth.

. Know bugs and notes

To run the demo under Win95, you must have the Glide Library for Win95.
You can have synchronisation problems or worst, crash your computer!
So I recommend you to always launch the demo from DOS.
Some video card with very high refresh rate can cause some problem of
synchronisation, I don't know exactly why, sorry!
If you have major bug, please contact Odin.

. Personnal

 -- Liszt --

23 years old, piano teacher, trance and classical music lover!


Zappy/bOmb: Bomb n'est pas en greets car tu pense jamais … nous !
            hihihi ... ;-)

Maf/Cocoon: J'espere que tu aimeras le deuxiŠme module trance et rendez-vous
            … la prochaine Saturne..

Jamie/??:   Et bein voila c'est notre 2Šme demo sur PC et toi tu t'y mets
            quand ?! Amuse-toi bien … l'arm‚e..

Norm/??:    Table d'OoOoOoOffsseeeeeet !

Clawz/bOmb: tu aurais du participer … la EDEN!

Carole LAURE: Merci pour les samples de ton dernier album (SENTIMENTS

JM JARRE:   A quand un petit quatre mains ensemble au piano?!

Denis GODFROY: voil… ce que peuvent faire des NON informaticiens...

 -- Odin --

18 years old, Terminal S student, symphonic and techno music lover!
Start Trek The Next Generation Fan!
"Hey, I'm collectioning the video tape, contact me if you have a lot !"


Chaos / FEB: Where is your ultime code optimisation on PC! huhu..
             The time is changing..

Norm/??:    Table d'OoOoOoOffsseeeeeet !
            Alors, tu le perces un jour le march‚ japonais? ahah..

Cornelus:   Hey, nasty cat! You have already eat!

Createur:   Hihi, elle doit etre jolie la demo sur ton P90! -:(

James CAMERON:  thank for your talent!

Dolly:      On va faire un p'tit tour ?!

Elodie:     Meuh non t'es pas folle! Simplement les 2B3 ‡a va un peu mais

Kinan:      Alors ce Street, on s'le fait un jour? 
            Bon maintenant que la demo est finie je vais reprendre
            l'entrainement et un jour viendra, je serais plus souple
            que toi! na!

Doroth‚e & Didier: ouai, ouai.. … donf!! … fond! … bloooccc!

Catherine:  Tata tata, tuta, tata tuta tita.. Move your body!

Sylvain:    Tu peux enlever ton masque maintenant tu sais. Ho pardon!

Bill Gates: Sorry for your face, is tart nice ?!

Guille/Cocoon: ouai l'autre, il a 10 infographistes … lui tout seul!

Frederic:   Alors ce scooter, ‡a roule?!

Modem/Darkage: Hi, nice to meet you at Saturne'97.

John Williams: you are the best!             

Loop/PSYKO: I'm waiting for your next demo! Ho sorry you are french!

Made/bOmb:  comment tu fais pour passer autant de temps sur IRC ?

and ofcourse, all old gOds' Members: Sixpack, Ghandy, Joint, Wade,
                                     Caramel, Zitrox, ...

. Official Members list

 Odin : Coder, coder and ... coder!
 Liszt: Musician and infographist 2d/3d
 XbarR: infographist 2d/3d
 Chris: swapper, trader & organiser

 Zerox: swapper & trader
 Typhoon: graphist
 Bridgeclaw: graphist

. Mails

 to contact Liszt, write to:
 35 rue Proudhon
 75012 Paris

 to contact Odin, write to:
 45 rue Boissonade
 75014 Paris

 by e-mail, Odin and Liszt at the gOds Faktory: pilleux@worldnet.fr

 to contact XbarR, write to:
 JULIEN Emmanuel
 20 rue Picot
 83000 Toulon

 to contact Chris, e-mail: chris@idf.net

 to contact Zerox, e-mail: frode.hansen@student.uib.no

. gOds Story

                    The complete list of gOds releases.


        * 1992  ¤  "the year of our gOd"
        * 1994  ¤  "the year of our lOrd"
        * 1995  ¤  "the year of the fOrtune"
        * 1996  ¤  "the year of the wisdOm"
        * 1997  ¤  "the year of our glOry"


                            the Year of our gOd


        * apOcalypse trackmO
          (amiga ecs)
          This track was released at the "Abstract-Oxygene Copy Party"
          in Sweden.
             o Code by Metal
             o Graphisms by Morris of HCD
             o Soundtracks by Twins & Firefox of Phenomena


                            the Year of our lOrd


        * Olympe trackmO
          (amiga aga)
          (27 december 94)
          This track was released at "The Party IV" in Denmark and it
          was ranked 17th.
             o Code by Little & Odin
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtracks by Liszt


                          the Year of the fOrtune


        * d.i.s.c. intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (10 april 95)
             o Code by Zendar
             o Graphism by Bridgeclaw
             o Chiptrack by C-quence

        * d.i.s.c. #10
          (amiga aga)
          (10 april 95)
          This disk magazine was finally released after 3 years of
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtracks by Shock of Vision & Chromag of Rebels

        * pitstOp bbs-mO
          (amiga aga)
          (15 april 95)
          This demo was released at "The Gathering 95" in Norway and it
          was ranked 8th.
             o Code by Little
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Tebirod of Les Shadock

        * a few gOOd men shOw
          (amiga aga)
          (04 june 95)
          This slide-show is a retrospective of all the picture from
          Bridgeclaw until june 95.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Eagle

        * chip in paris vOl. 1
          (amiga aga)
          (11 june 95)
          This is the first volume of a collection of chip tunes.
             o Code by Little
             o Graphisms by L-vis & Bridgeclaw
             o Chiptracks by 12 french musicians.

        * chip in paris vOl. 2 download (494kb)
          (amiga aga)
          (14 july 95)
          This is the second volume of a collection of chip tunes.
             o Code by Little
             o Graphisms by L-vis & Bridgeclaw
             o Chiptracks by 12 french musicians.

        * audiOsOnic intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (15 august 95)
          This 64 intro was released at "The Gasp 95" in France and it
          was ranked 5th.
             o Code by Little
             o Graphism by Bridgeclaw
             o Chiptrack by Liszt

        * jurassic pack vOl. 00
          (amiga aga)
          (15 august 95)
          This is the pre-issue of the packmag from gOds.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by ??

        * future trackmO
          (amiga aga)
          (27 august 95)
          This trackmo was released at "Party Zone III" in France and
          it was ranked 1st.
             o Code by Odin
             o Graphism by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Liszt

        * chip in paris vOl. 3
          (amiga aga)
          (15 september 95)
          This is the third and last volume of this collection of chip
             o Code by Little
             o Graphisms by L-vis & Bridgeclaw & Norm of Skarla
             o Chiptracks by 17 french musicians.

        * sOund fOur intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (28 december 95)
          This intro was released at "The Party V" in Denmark and it
          was made for the sounddisk of the group: Spoon.
             o Code by Odin
             o Graphism by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Liszt


                           the Year of the wisdOm


        * unswerving intrO
          (amiga aga & fast memory)
          (1st january 96)
          This 40 intro was supposed to compete at "The Party V" in
          Denmark, but we were delayed and....
             o Code by Odin
             o Chiptrack by Liszt

        * jurassic pack vOl. 01
          (amiga aga)
          (25 january 96)
          This is the first issue of a mini chart / pack / mag.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by The Loop

        * jade slide-shOw
          (amiga aga)
          (22 march 96)
          This slideshow is not a gOds production but as the graphist,
          Geist, is, at this time a gOds member, you can find it there.
             o Code by Ninja of Scoopex
             o Graphisms by Geist
             o Soundtracks by Clawz of Bomb & Cash + Mindfuck of

        * jurassic pack vOl. 02
          (amiga aga)
          (april 96)
          This is the second issue of the more and more famous packmag.
          It was released, in the same time, at The Symposium 96 in
          Germany and The Gathering 96 in Norway.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Okeanos of Syndrome

        * wOrld bigmO
          (amiga aga & fast memory)
          (27 april 96)
          This bigdemo was released at "The Saturne III" in France and
          it was ranked 5th.
             o Code by Odin
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw & Geist
             o Raytracing by Joint
             o Soundtracks by Liszt

        * jurassic pack vOl. 03
          (amiga aga)
          (02 august 96)
          This is the third issue of the more and more famous packmag.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Boo of Talent

        * ghandy is married dentrO
          (amiga aga)
          (07 september 96)
          This dentro was released to celebrate Ghandy's wedding.
             o Code by Odin
             o Graphisms by Geist & Geryon of Mad Dogs
             o Soundtrack by Liszt

        * d.i.s.c. cOmmercial intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (02 november 96)
          This commtro was made to remind you that we had a bigger
          delay than the previous time :).
             o Code by Zendar
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Lizardking of Razor 1911

        * fractiOn bigmO download (2160kb)
          (amiga aga & fast memory)
          (03 november 96)
          This bigdemo was released at "The Saturne IV" in France and
          it was ranked 2d.
             o Code by Odin & Xbarr
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtracks by Liszt

        * jurassic pack intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (10 december 96)
          This is the commercial intro for the fourth issue of jurassic
             o Code by Celtic of Axis
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Gloom of Spin

        * jurassic pack vOl. 04 download (516kb)
          (amiga aga)
          (10 december 96)
          This is the fourth issue of the famous packmag.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Coma of Three Little Elks

        * prism intrO download (35kb)
          (amiga aga & fast memory)
          (28 december 96)
          This intro was released at "The Party VI" in Denmark and it
          was ranked ?th.
             o Code by Odin and Xbarr
             o Soundtrack by Liszt


                           the Year of our glOry


        * lwO cOnverter v0.1 download (37kb)
          (1st march 97)
          This is a small utility done by Odin after 4 months of coding
          on PC....
             o Code by Odin

        * energy - (fractiOn 2) bigmO download (1139kb)
          (amiga aga & fast memory)
          (29-30 march 97)
          This bigdemo was released at "The Gathering 97" in Norway and
          it was ranked 5th and at "The Symposium 97" in Germany where
          it was ranked 11th.
             o Code by Xbarr & Odin
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw & Typhoon
             o Soundtrack by Liszt

        * jurassic pack intrO
          (amiga aga)
          (15 may 97)
          This is the commercial intro for the fifth issue of jurassic
             o Code by Modem of Darkage
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Okeanos of Syndrome

        * jurassic pack vOl. 05 download (662kb)
          (amiga aga)
          (15 may 97)
          This is the fifth issue of the famous packmag.
             o Code by Zytrox
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Soundtrack by Caramel

        * html2text v1.O download (3kb)
          (5 august 97)
          A small utility developped by Lithium
             o Code by Lithium

        * evOlutiOn bigmO download (3280kb)
          (31 october - 02 november 97)
          This bigdemo was released at "The Saturne 5" in France and it
          was ranked 1st.
             o Code by Odin
             o Graphisms by Bridgeclaw
             o Raytracing & 3d stuffs by Xbarr
             o Soundtrack by Liszt

. Final words

I hope you enjoy the demo.
We actually working on TOYS project, a demo for October'98 with a lot of
surprise and great stuff, so keep on !

                                                         the gOds Team.