
encore by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web]

  █ ███ █  █  █ █ ▄▄ █ █    █  █   tpolm the party '95 demonstrationation
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                     c'est quoi encore le tunnel de merde ?
                     c'est quel encore un tunnel merdique?
                        it is which more tunnel of shit?
                    es ist welches mehr tunnel aus scheisse
                       es is wos mehr tunnel aus scheiss
                        se on mikä lisää tunneli paskaa?
                          de dar javla tunnlarna igen
                         di nuovo quei dannati tunnels
                         encore ces putains de tunnels
                             die klote tunnels weer
                             de faens tunnelene da!
                      schon wieder diese verdammten tunnel
                          pali ayta ta gamimena toynel
                        azok a kurva alagutak mar megint
                            uz zase ty trapny tunely
                            spet ti hudicevi tuneli
                        otra vez esos estupidos tuneles
                     sorosoro shitsureshite imasu minnasan
                         estes malditos tuneis de novo
                          pessar fjandans hvada rasir

        a demo by.


        player by mikmak/hardcode.
        some pictures from corel all-movie guide cd-rom whore.
        one texture by hfaze/da/jihad/ice(?)
        fancy words by suomienglantisuomi taskusanakirja by wsoy.

        we worship.

                                 tove jansson.

        we greet.


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           │  ││   ││ ││ ││ └  │ for prez.
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        thank yous to.

                                             ww (white wizard?)

        technical information.

                we did it. no reason to deny it. we couldn't help ourselves.
                it all started when we were we. we had eloquent parents who
                foresaw our factory filled days. we didn't believe those
                uncommon persons who brought us to this cold and heaped world.
                anyway. then we met julius the cat who said pshshshshshsh. the
                sound was caused by the immense heat the oven the cat was in
                gave. oh yeah. right. uhm.

        additional information.

                there are two hidden parts in the demo. guess if we care if you
                manage to find them? guess, oh boy, just guess.

        irrelevant information.

                everything you see in the demonstration is true art - all of it.
                all the slowdowns, palette changes.. all of 'em. in the end you
                can only be perfect. oh. there is a bug which we can't really do
                anything about, being tied up in the northern ireland peace
                negotiations. please ask your mother or father or both of them
                to guide you in your life. you won't even notice the bug. it's
                only a bloody parking ticket.

        we greet again.

                                        interamnia, whose boozepar-t we missed
                                                    coz someone has to keep
                                                    things rolling. in this case
                                                    that would mean that we had
                                                    to do a demo for wired'95.
                                                    but who's gonna believe
                                                    that. not me. not him. not
                                                    me. not me. i didn't do it.
                                                    no. please.

        a slight touch of eleetism.tpolm'95 lady domino.

i sense some improvement.

did you think you'd find something here?

extra credits.


                                paradox of the day.

                                small is beautiful.
                                my head is small.
                                my head isn't beautiful.

     │    _  _   _      _ \
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                                         tpolm artworks inhibited. 95.

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                        \_/    \_/

H: voi voi. onpa hippinä oleminen tylsää. ei ole ketään kenen kanssa poltella
   huumeita. voi voi.
M: kas hei.
H: hei. kukas sinä olet?
M: minä olen markus kajo, tv kahdesta. taidat olla hippi?
H: sepä minä, hippipä hyvinkin. on tylsää.
M: vaan hipille haittaa, sanon minä, ja paukutan henkseleitä. pistänpäs tympeän
   naaman päälle että saat tuta.
H: auh. tuo sattui. olet aika vittumainen teeveen setä. otanpas perkele
   heroiinipussistani jatimaticin ja ammun sinut kuubaan. (prrt prrt) siitä
   saat, senkin tv-persoona. (prrt)
M: auhha.
H: vooooi vitja, enhän minä olisi saanut ampua tv:n setää. mitähän
   ohjelmapäälliköt nyt sanovat. voi voi.
P: tviiuu tviiuu. poliisista päivää.
H: päivää.
P: menit sitten ampumaan kajon markuksen?
H: sen tein.
P: sitten lähdet kyllä lusimaan.
H: saanko ensin heittää jatimaticcini palmujen yli woodstockiin?
P: saatpa toki.
H: viuuuuu... plumpsis.
P: nyt mennään.
H: selvä. väliaika. huumeita ja hasista.

                               / /  /| | |\\ \      tpolm taas.
                              / /  | | | \ |\ \
                             |  |  | | \  ||| |     portrait of kurt cobain.
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